Some tobacco growers say JTI Leaf Malawi buying 49,000 kilograms of contracted leaf in early August would have no impact as their tobacco has already lost value after JTI Malawi stopped buying tobacco in July, after reportedly meeting quota with their growers. The August purchase came about after JTI committed to buy the remaining tobacco depending on the contracts they signed with the growers and after reconciling the figures of how much they bought in conjunction with Tobacco Control Commission (TCC).
A JTI statement claimed that tobacco growers produced in excess of 470,000 kg of their contracted volumes. The statement went on to say, “Following disputes over the purchase of this excess tobacco, it has been agreed and confirmed by TCC that only 49,000 kg or 10% of this tobacco should be considered for purchase by JTI.”
“The 49,000 kg that was bought is re-handled tobacco. This means that it was presented not in compliance with industry standards and was sent back to the grower for re-handling. Any loss of quality cannot be pinned down to the buyer since the grower presented it in poor shape in the first instance.”