Data from Cambodia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries show a decrease in tobacco cultivation in 2018, despite the country having been granted duty-free and quota-free exports of tobacco leaves to Vietnam.
Last season 7,454 tons of tobacco were produced, an 18% decrease from the previous season’s 9,089 tons, while cultivation fell 16% to 5,743ha nationwide from 6,859ha.
Sum Ra, Kroch Chhmar district’s agriculture office chief in Tbong Khmum province, the country’s largest tobacco growing area, said tobacco cultivation has seen a decrease in the last few years due to market fluctuation.
Ministry of Commerce data shows Cambodia exported a total of 1,200 tons of tobacco to Vietnam in 2017, worth US$2.37 million, a 24% increase from 2016. In 2016, 989.75 tons were exported, valued at US$1.91 million.
Aside from exports, farmers also supply tobacco to Cambodia-based British American Tobacco (Cambodia) Limited under a “contract farming” system, a system offering tobacco farmers more security than selling to Vietnam.