With the acquisition of RNT Machinery S.A. ITMGroup is expanding its activities in the Dominican Republic (DR). Together with existing group-company SCM, ITMGroup can now offer a full-service operation based in DR to the cigar industry globally.
ITMGroup’s SCM has excellent contacts with cigar manufacturers worldwide. More and more customers indicated that they also had interest in pouch packing machinery for cigars. By acquiring RNT, ITMGroup is able to offer these machines to the industry. The RNT pouch maker can pack cigars per 2 till 5 cigars per pouch at a speed of 150 pouches per minute. Later this year RNT will introduce a display packer to pack 15 pouches in a display carton. The machines are also capable of handling food products in pouches.
SCM transferred its cigar activities from Europe to the Dominican Republic for the past five years. It has over 700 used cigar machines in stock and rebuilds cigar making and packing machines. With over 50 staff, SCM is able to serve the ever-growing cigar industry in DR with “as is”, functional overhauled, or rebuilt machinery.
As both companies are based in the Dominican Republic, in the heart of the cigar producing region, RNT and SCM will closely work together to fully serve customers in the cigar industry and other industries.