Present in more than 40 countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, adhesive company Pujadas is now targeting new areas of growth such as Southeast Asia and China, with local agents and partners.
Founded 125 years ago by Domingo Pujadas i Amigo, the family-owned, global company is promoting a balanced adhesives sector, supporting the big four – PMI, BAT, JTI, and ITG – and significant independent manufacturers around the world.
“Our high-performance team and our innovative formulas currently play a significant role in the cigarette manufacturing networks,” the company said. The tobacco and cigarette adhesives industry has become too concentrated during recent years, and Pujadas is now boosting its competitiveness, breaking the current status quo, and making things much easier for cigarette manufacturers.
“We make our customers’ lives easier, simplifying their buying decisions, being well-recognized by top global customers,” the company said in a statement. “Moving from strength to strength, we like to work with leading customers who appreciate quality, service and innovation, all within a dynamic of mutual trust and cooperation.”