NDC Technologies’ new TM710e V on-line gauge and InfraLab at-line analyzer directly measure the total volatiles in tobacco at all key points in primary and GLT processes. These innovative instruments closely match what is measured by gravimetric oven test methods. No need for multiple calibrations for different blends. Save on labor through reduced QC testing and validation.
TM710e V
The TM710e is the ultimate on-line tobacco moisture gauge. The TM710e, and its predecessor, the TM710, are in daily use in literally hundreds of locations worldwide. Its considerable abilities allow installation in almost any location in tobacco processing.
As a moisture analyzer, it can measure the very low moistures of expanded tobacco, the intermediate moistures encountered in the primary, and the very high moistures found in stem preparation.
Applications engineering is indeed at the heart of everything NDC does. Its applications experts understand the needs of the tobacco industry, the physical and chemical properties of the many types of tobacco, and what needs to be done to create an accurate, stable, and robust measurement. Their applications expertise has been gathered over four decades of research and development and co-operation with key players in the industry.
The TM710e’s ethernet communications structure features automatic device discovery providing maximum flexibility of installation with the minimum of hardware and cabling, from a standalone gauge to a multi-gauge networked system. TM710e runs on 24V DC for maximum safety and fieldbus connectivity is available in all protocols.
Long term stability, ease of installation, reliability, and performance ensure lowest cost of ownership.
To ensure access to data wherever it is needed, TM710e is be combined with the Series 710e interfaces and devices. Its flexible connectivity structure enables straightforward integration into a factory network, to facilitate remote access to data.
In addition to moisture, the TM710e can also be configured to measure product temperature. The temperature sensor can be supplied either integrated into the housing of the TM710e, to measure at a location adjacent to the measurement area for moisture, or can be supplied with a 10 or 20m to enable remote location while sharing the power and ethernet connections of the gauge.
InfraLab InfraLab at-line tobacco analyzers have established themselves worldwide as a viable and cost-effective alternative to the traditional gravimetric and CFA (continuous flow analysis) methods for the measurement of moisture, nicotine, and sugars in tobacco in primary and GLT processing.
The InfraLab e-series tobacco analyzer features the speed, ease-of-use and, above all, robustness and repeatability that have made the InfraLab so widely used, with features that make replacement of laboratory methods even more convenient.
Samples are simply presented in the sample bowl; the InfraLab then automatically recognizes the presence of the sample and starts its measurement sequence. In just five seconds, the measurements are displayed clearly on the screen.
Combining InfraLab for at-line analysis with the TM710e on-line tobacco gauges gives the process manager the deepest available insight into process performance.
More information: www.ndc.com