The InterTabac and InterSupply trade fairs planned for Sept 18-20, 2020 will not be held this year due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The regularly held annual exhibitions are postponed to September 16-18, 2021. An alternative format “leveraging the strengths of the world's largest trade fair for tobacco products and smoking accessories” for autumn 2020 is being discussed by the organizers and partners, according to a press release of May 28.
“Even though there have been signs of relaxation in Germany in recent weeks regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, and local authorities have again made it possible to hold trade fairs with limited attendance while observing appropriate hygiene measures, we as organizers continue to pay particular attention to our responsibility to protect the health of everyone involved”, explained Sabine Loos, managing director of Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe GmbH, the parent company of organizer Messe Dortmund GmbH, why the show has been postponed.
InterTabac, the world's largest trade fair for tobacco products and smoking accessories, which is held annually, and InterSupply, the international trade fair held in parallel, focussing on the manufacturing process for tobacco products, e-cigarettes, pipes and hookahs, have been integral features of the tobacco industry calendar for decades. However, the COVID-19 pandemic is now preventing the two fairs from being held in their customary form this year.
“Our special responsibility and duty of care for the health of the several hundred exhibitors and thousands of visitors from 47 countries whom we welcome to Dortmund each year are things we take very seriously indeed,” she continued. The company statement said that progress of the pandemic situation across the world is fast-moving and cannot currently be predicted and that it would, therefore, be unreasonable to hold international trade fairs such as InterTabac and InterSupply in their present form this year
The key driver behind the decision has been the ongoing situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, and the associated potential health impact on exhibitors and visitors. Global travel restrictions, which are having sustained consequences on the planning and staging of international trade fairs such as InterTabac and InterSupply, have also been a contributory factor.
An exhibitor survey conducted in recent days showed that the majority of participants did not consider it appropriate to hold InterTabac and InterSupply in September due to the restrained willingness of international visitors to travel. Given this feedback from the industry, the organizers decided that holding InterTabac and InterSupply in their customary form was not something that could reasonably be expected.
“Looking to the future, the dialogue with industry representatives has also resulted in changing the Friday-to-Sunday sequence to a Thursday-to-Saturday sequence”, explained Sabine Loos of the new dates in 2021 of September 16 (Thursday) to September 18 (Saturday).
For further information please visit www.intertabac.com, www.intersupply.com or email gaj@octobermultimedia.com or WECHAT: STIRCOFFEETEA