WT Asia Moves to Surabaya
1,000 visitors are expected to be at this year’s WT Asia
WT Asia returns to Indonesia for the seventh time this October and finds a new home in Surabaya. WT Asia will take place at the Grand City Convex Convention Hall from 16-17 October 2019.
The move to Surabaya has proved to be a popular choice with the industry, with exhibition space completely sold out with over two months to go until the event opens. Steve Diprose, managing director of event organizers Quartz Business Media, comments, “Being Indonesia’s second-largest city and in close proximity to many tobacco manufacturers in Indonesia, Surabaya was an obvious choice when looking at the right location to support the continued growth of WT Asia. We are thrilled with the feedback and look forward to another record-breaking event in October.”
The event is expected to host over 1,000 visitors from across the region, with buyers already registered from China, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Visitors can expect to see an exciting array of products and innovations from more than 60 international companies, showcasing everything from high-speed cigarette making machinery and Heat-Not-Burn products to filters, leaf tobacco, trace and track, flavors and casings, acetate tow, shisha, and tobacco products.
Entry is free of charge and visitors can register in advance at www.wtprocessandmachinery.com/asia.The World Tobacco brand continues to support the global tobacco industry with three marketing leading events covering Asia, Middle East and Eastern Europe. WT Europe will take place in Bulgaria in May 2020 and WT Middle East will return to Dubai in December 2020.