The Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board’s (TIMB) latest figures revealed that since the beginning of 2015 Zimbabwe has earned more than US$700 million from 125.4 million kilograms (m.kg) of tobacco exports at an average price of US$5.61 per kg. These are slightly lower figures than those for the same period last year, where the country made US$709 million from exporting 119.9 m.kg at the average price of US$5.91 per kg.
The largest consumer of Zimbabwean flue-cured golden leaf was China, which imported 49.6 m.kg at US$8.30 per kg, spending US$411.3 million. The second-largest importer was Belgium, who spent US$64 million for 14.7 m. kg of tobacco valued at US$4.36 per kg. Third spot was South Africa, which imported 11.0 m.kg for US$35 million, or US$2.96 per kg.
Fourth and fifth place were Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), importing 7.5 m.kg and 7.1 m.kg, respectively. Indonesia spent US$34.5 million (US$4.57 per kg) while the UAE spent US$19.8 million at the average price of US$2.78 per kg.
Meanwhile, 69,092 farmers have registered with TIMB, compared to 86,992 farmers who registered during the same period last year.