The government of New Zealand has confirmed that the sale of nicotine e-cigarettes will be legalized in the country. The change came despite the fact scientific evidence of the safety of e-cigarettes was still developing, said associate health minister Nicky Wagner.
‘’There’s a consensus that vaping is much less harmful than smoking,” she said. ‘’The government is taking a cautious approach by aligning the regulations around vaping with those for cigarettes. This ensures cigarette smokers have access to a lower-risk alternative while we continue to discourage people from smoking or vaping in the first place.’’ The new regulations for e-cigarettes, whether they contain nicotine or not, include restricting sales to people 18 years and over, banning vaping in indoor areas where smoking is currently prohibited, and restrictions on advertising.
Currently nicotine patches and gum can be bought in New Zealand, but nicotine e-cigarette liquid must be bought from overseas.